What is Karma ? And Why Hatha Yoga?

Hatha Yoga which is hybrid of all sorts of yoga, have finished its forming around 16th century. The text books; Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Yoga Taravalie, Goraksha Shakatan, and Geranta Sanhita are all teaching us about the philosophy of Yoga which include Asana and Pranamaya. (Body work and controlled breath practice)

The center pillar of Hatha Yoga is working with our body. Rishis(Saints) from old days, who formed Hatha Yoga, knew that our body carries Karma and without working immediately with our body, we can't be free from Karma.

From here , I am writing my opinion about Karma from my experience, study and lessons from my grandmother, who occasionally guides me through my dreams.

Karma is a heavy energy which remains in our body (mostly internal organs). Pain in the neck, heavy heart, siting in my stomach, etc, these phrases are well describing it.

From modern science we understand that energy is the another name for frequency. Every existing thing, no matter whether it has a certain shape or no shape at all but phenomena projects its unique frequency. The words we spoke project frequency, even our thoughts projects frequency too. When your mind is filled with negative thoughts all day, you start to project negative frequency, and when you project ( also receiving at a same time) enough amount of negativity, it eventually became part of your body mind (=attachment).

Meanwhile, our cognitive mind is trained by so called "common sense" through modern education and social media, so our frontal part of the brain tries to fit ourselves into the action which can be accepted as common sense. (The back side of the brain is known for connecting subconscious field.) This is the starting point for separating your cognitive mind from your body mind.

In the philosophy of Yoga, we are taught that our body is a Temple for our sprit. In a modern-world terms you can also think like this: our body is a vehicle and our sprit is a driver of this vehicle. However who is sitting behind the steering wheel? Common sense or your sprit?

I see many people gave up the drivers seat to "common sense" and the "owner" of the vehicle are sitting in the backseat and passively being played by events happening while car is driven. Sadly, many have forgotten how to drive their own vehicle. That is appeared as a so called "disease." (You "dis-ease" your mind because you are not piloting your vehicle.)

Let's go back to the word Karma again. The concept of the word Karma is already accepted by so many people now a days, but do you ever wonder what is Karma anyway?

In my own search for the meaning of Karma landed as the heavy energy residing in our body. Energy is a frequency. Frequency carries its unique message such as happy, joy, free, envy, lust, anger, fear and so on. All of these words, I describe as a frequency, you know which one project heavy energy without any measurement, I hope. These frequencies create stagnation in your body that is often described as something sitting in my stomach, pain in a neck, and heavy heart. These feelings are messages from your body and it is called Karma.

If you don't take care of your daily Karma, it won't disappear automatically. It will disappear from your cognitive mind and will descend under your subconscious field. In other word, instead of picking up a mess from the floor and putting everything back to the appropriate place or discarding it, you just push everything in your closet and shut the closet door so that it doesn't bother your physical eyesight. You don't look at the problem but it stays behind the closed door.(=subconscious field)

It's not possible to not think negative thing because humans are created to recognize negativity more than positivity, and Karma as negative energy is accumulating in your body unless you clean daily, that is the reason why rishis from old days teach working with our body which is Hatha Yoga.

Sat Nam (in the name of truth)