Earth day retreat

Earth is our mothership and every creature small and huge including human are the board member on this ship. Every living and non living being are somehow related to this dynamic community. (human never a top of the pyramid.) Your action may create a huge impact in positive or negative way somewhere you are not aware at all.

I often wonder where can I start to make earth vitalizing so that she could support all the member on her ship. The answer is starting with myself. If I became well being, I can offer something even it's so tiny to other. Then other can do some thing and go on and on and on.......

You may lough at me and say "you are dreamer." Yes, I am. And I am dreaming a beautiful things. Nothing is accomplished if you don't have a motivation, the motivation is starting with our dream.

I will share the vision of our inner Mother Earth which everyone holds. I will share a way how you nurture your own mother earth, and I will nurture your inner mother earth with the instrument I gain.

Celebrating Earth day with me!!

Unity Yoga On April 20th 1pm to 5pm.